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  1. C

    It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

    Or we could, you know, treat sports scholarships like all other types of scholarships. If i get a scholarship because I’m good at math, the math department doesn’t tell me that I can’t make money tutoring kids on the side, or that I can’t get a job with some company that needs a math wiz. I can...
  2. C

    It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

    Yeah, how dumb of me to want everyone to be able to get paid for their own fame. They're adults. There's no reason the NCAA should be able to demand that they not make any money off their own skills and fame, or demand that they can't have side jobs. Eff that. If it brings about changes in...
  3. C

    It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

    Dude, you're being short-sighted if you can't see that this will have repercussions beyond the top-tier football and basketball players. There are tons of lower-tier players, and tons of players in other sports, who have cult followings that they could monetize. There's a women's gymnast for...
  4. C

    It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

    Anyone. Literally anyone. Lou Hedley bobble-head dolls. Jimmy Murphy "Rudy" T.V. ads for Gus Machado. You name it.