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  1. TemplarCane

    If Butch was hired instead of Richt

    Just hire Urban Meyer tomorrow. He’ll coach all positions. Problem solved. Dabo and Saban would crap their PJs.
  2. TemplarCane

    If Butch was hired instead of Richt

    Fair enough. Hiring Mario solely because of his ties to the program would be a lazy hire. The ‘Miami guy’ theme should be permanently retired. The phrase has no longer has any meaning. Mario’s familiarity with the program is an attribute in his favor but in no way makes him the best candidate...
  3. TemplarCane

    If Butch was hired instead of Richt

    Exactly. That’s why Miami endured a 5-6 season in 1997. No depth. I think Miami had less than 60 scholarship players on the roster.
  4. TemplarCane

    If Butch was hired instead of Richt

    Hiring Mario away from Oregon wouldn’t be a lazy hire if he wins a PAC12 title or two. And if that happens, I doubt Oregon would let him go over money. And I am not a Mario fan, by any means. But that said, who in your opinion would not be a lazy hire?
  5. TemplarCane

    If Butch was hired instead of Richt

    Miami would be a better program today. As talented as the 2000-2002 teams? The equal of Alabama and Clemson? Probably not.