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  1. streetja

    Biggest Surprise of the Season - How Bad Enos Is

    Jarren’s pass to JT in the end zone that was broken up was one trillion percent on him. JT got open within 5 yards of his man and it took JW until JT was 20 yards downfield to throw the ball. And to top it all off he underthrew the ball. But yes, Enos was Pat Nix like today
  2. streetja

    Biggest Surprise of the Season - How Bad Enos Is

    Let all the players not good enough to start get plays in
  3. streetja

    Biggest Surprise of the Season - How Bad Enos Is

    Our second unit DL is a million times better than our starters. Give me Hill, Miller, Chigozie, and Rosseou as starters now now now!
  4. streetja

    Biggest Surprise of the Season - How Bad Enos Is

    tAtE? Otherwise agreed OP