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  1. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Aye... I honestly wish I was smoking the same **** you are. I'm not playing.
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

  3. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    I don't remember ever feeling this bad about a win. But I'm glad this happened because all this false hope is DEAD!!!
  4. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Throw the chains the FU©K AWAY! NEVER BRING THEM OUT AGAIN.
  5. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    I'm scared guys
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

    How did Ufags not kill us? Like we're horrible man lol
  7. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Yeah fsu is gonna put up 50 on us... In the first half. Virginia is gonna kill us. Pitt is gonna demolish us. We're gonna beat VT in OT... 13-10... Yeah we suck y'all
  8. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Our secondary....TRRRAAASSSHHH
  9. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Dude... Okay F that! Fire Manny asap for still putting Baxa on our field!
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

  11. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Thank God we didn't play THIS bad against uf on national tv 😂😂😂
  12. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Lmao we all thought our freshmen would get some burn this game SMH... I honestly knew we wouldn't win by 30 but ****. THIS??
  13. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Lmao you're lying and I know you're lying and you know you're lying.
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Give me their kicker. Don't care that he missed 1 earlier
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

    This Oline is worst than Florida's Oline that yr they lost to a d-2 school and they were literally blocking each other.
  16. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Lmao we're getting bullied man
  17. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Murphy would've caught that int
  18. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    You guys still don't understand. Yes Enos would be calling these same plays at Bama and they would WORK because.... It's BAMA. They have the talent level for any type of playcalling.
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    Canes v. Central Michigan

    He did... When it was 1st and 1 😂
  20. Page305

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Man just put Murphy in... At any and every position.