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  1. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    No updates. We still suck
  2. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Im right with you man. I actually reached your point at UNC after 4th and 17. Diaz isn’t the guy and it ain’t even close. We just have to hope and pray he’s let go sooner then later.
  3. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Dude don’t insult Swinney, that guy is the only reason the ACC doesn’t get demoted to the Group of 5. Lol Mark Diaz Golden will never be swinney, never!!!
  4. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Well I hate to break it to you sinister but he will be back because mannys a bltch! And is scared to fire his buddies
  5. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    1 for ******* om 3rd downs against a G5 team! Smh holy crap man, you can’t even make this stuff up. And we’re paying Enos over a million dollars for this BS! 🤬
  6. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Please guys let’s make this happen. Whoever sets it up you have 100$ from me right now to fly the ******* plane.
  7. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    I spoke to soon! Smh
  8. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    MVP Henley buddy! Only bright spot in this whole freaking program.
  9. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Before you go Please tell manny to Fvck off and resign and take his group of five staff with him. Please!!! 🙏
  10. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    If we do then better gas that plane and fly it and it better say fire Blake and get us an AD that knows who to hire and knows what the Fvck he’s doing!
  11. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    I ******* hate this team! I hate manny! I hate baker! I hate Enos! I hate Blake. I hate every single person associated with this team, including myself! Fvck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Agree and I don’t thunk he will. It’s so sad and disheartening that we’re stuck with this **** again. And the worst part is the university will stick with him until bama beats us 60-0 in 2021. So three more years of this, ******* great!
  13. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    Baker ******* sucks plain and simple. We’re the worst 3rd down team on offense and defense. Smh
  14. NicKane

    Canes v. Central Michigan

    He sucks and I can’t figure out for the life of me why blades isn’t starting. He has outplayed Ivey every time he’s on the field!