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  1. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    Football film? The other kind I watch is probably best done, home alone.
  2. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    No....but you raise an interesting point. We have no ****** assistants, no Soldinger, no Joe Brodsky. Maybe they had some backchannel to the guy in charge.
  3. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    I think he could become a player with more size and strength. A year with Feely might work. Unusual to RS so late in one's career.
  4. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    There wasn't much to watch. He seemed quick, maybe with good balance, quick hands and feet, but not overly powerful or strong. If he were at a younger point in his career he would be a good RS candidate and Feely could help him get bigger and stronger.
  5. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    Didn't Damond come in as a DL? A lot of our guys were converted in those days. EDIT: Yes. According to this article Neely was no. 10 ranked HS DL in the country. we had other guys convert from DL to OL back in the...
  6. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    And neither is a south Florida kid....maybe we should spend more time looking elsewhere.
  7. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    If he has quitter mentality than portal is taking nothing away. Just a little spring cleaning....but doing it early.
  8. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    This sounds more like an emotional decision rather than a rational one. Kids will be kids.
  9. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    Doesn't trouble me. Anyone who cares to become informed should know we underachieved last year and this is part of the recovery process. Can anyone truly say we're weakened at RB or WR by these losses? We've got a lot of talent in both areas. Were Martin, Ezzard and Cager due for a lot of...
  10. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    He hasn't even been dressing out? Even I was skeptical Kennedy was ready to step in when I saw his video and I'm neither an X and O's guy or personnel expert. I could see enough to lead me to question his readiness to step in at our level.
  11. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    Dead wood being cleared out?
  12. TheMatador

    Cleveland Reed hits the Portal

    Yeah you can always find a sick family member....or even your dog.