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  1. nvlahos

    What We Need To See Before UVA

    So after game 1 leading up to UVA - DEFENSE DL - Rousseau needs to take Patchan's starting spot ASAP. He creates way more pressure and is more athletic even against the run. Thought Garvin played pretty well, and Jon Ford was solid. Overall though, this DL is getting stood up way too often...
  2. nvlahos

    What We Need To See Before UVA

    So after game 1 leading up to UVA - OFFENSE QB - Williams hasn't gotten quicker with his decisions and looks to really struggle throwing the deep ball. As many other threads have stated, Enos isn't helping him out with the long play action plays RB - Were not good against CMU, tentative...
  3. nvlahos

    What We Need To See Before UVA

    Offense - QB - Jarren continue to develop and progress. Would like see him make quicker decisions and the game keep slowing down for him. As Roman covered, he clearly has the ability to make big time throws. Love what I've seen so far from Jarren and Enos's development of him from Game 1 to...