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  1. kryptonite

    Question: Lots of die hard Cane fans attacking the staff

    That doesn't make any **** sense. We didn't "lose" to a ranked team. We gave up a 31 point lead. Think about how pathetic that is. You're good enough to outscore a team 31-0, but somehow also bad enough to lose the game. What fcking logic are you using that tells you a 3 point loss to an...
  2. kryptonite

    Question: Lots of die hard Cane fans attacking the staff

    Right, except 31 point lead. Thirty one fcking point lead, and you want to talk about Maryland being ranked? As if that mattered even a little bit. How about this. We play bama next week and we're up 31-0 at the half and we lose, you're cool with that? Ya know, cuz bama's like real good and...
  3. kryptonite

    Question: Lots of die hard Cane fans attacking the staff

    That's the saddest answer. You know he's your logic you would have fired Jimmy. ****, you would have said he was worse, at least Manny's new to the job. So to sum up, you're not only wrong, but your sidestep of an answer was pathetic. Plus you've got 33 posts and we all know what...