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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    2 Miami LEGENDS⚡️

    This is true, but not that many suckers with 2 billion to loan out lol.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    2 Miami LEGENDS⚡️

    LOL. Jeter owns less than 4 percent of the Marlins. Ross is talking about being flat out co-owners with Dwayne Wade. Sure, if some idiot is willing to give someone worth 30 million dollars with no sports management experience a 2 billion dollar loan. Ross could buy an NFL team, but there is 0%...
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    2 Miami LEGENDS⚡️

    Are you seven years old? You don't need to see someones bank account to be able to get a general idea of their net worth. You can look at album sales/contracts/business ventures/endorsements and figure out a rough estimate of what they are worth. Ross isn't even close. Ross isn't even in the 9...
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    2 Miami LEGENDS⚡️

    LMFAO at co-owners of NFL teams. Neither of them are even close to rich enough to own an NFL team.