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  1. Andrew

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    Boosters ARE business owners. Businesses in Miami would pay market value. Boosters of other schools (who also own businesses) would pay above market value. The correlation between facilities, coaching money, and recruitment money are that they generally come from boosters. Miami has a history...
  2. Andrew

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    We can't compete with these teams on facilities, coaching money, and recruitment expenses. We sure the **** won't be able to compete in paying players. Alabama boosters could easily spend $10M annually. We would have Blake James conducting car washes to raise money for our players.
  3. Andrew

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    Not everyone that went to Alabama lives in Tuscaloosa. The issue is boosters are going to pay way over market value to lure players to sign. What happens when Alabama is allowed to announce that the starting running back will be paid $1M annually to endorse Jefferson Davis Ford? Meanwhile, in...
  4. Andrew

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    Because we don't have the money and market to compete. Only about 25 NCAA schools make money (2015) and the median profit is $8M. Keep in mind that schools receive money from the state so they still have to compensate male and female athletes equally...
  5. Andrew

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    We don't win in any situation where players can be paid.