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  1. N

    Canes v UNC

    Nobody in that stadium thought he was gonna make it. Carolina fans were already celebrating and me and the Miami fans around me were already headed up the stairs to get outta there
  2. N

    Canes v UNC

    LOL you must’ve been watching a different game than the rest of us
  3. N

    Canes v UNC

    It should be under. This is a joke and the fans should reflect that.
  4. N

    Canes v UNC

    There aren’t any seniors on our team that would have made an NFL roster, except KJ. KJ Osborne is the best player on the team, bar none. It’s really not even close.
  5. N

    Canes v UNC

    He’s not nearly as good as Tony Robbins. We came out with zero energy. Carolina looked like the better and more athletic team from jump street
  6. N

    Canes v UNC

    Our D ends don’t know how to set the edge All they can do is attempt to rush the passer and get stoned. It’s honestly sad to watch.
  7. N

    Canes v UNC

    Enos is as lost as Richt was. Remember when everybody on this board said to run the ball? Where the f*** was that? When we did it, it worked. There are people on here smarter than the people on the coaching staff. Baker or Manny or whoever was calling the defense blew it too. I was so hyped...
  8. N

    Canes v UNC

    How are y’all feeling about Scarface now? Manny is a fraud and will continue to be until his team shows differently. We just got whipped by a walking garbage can of a team. So tired of this bulls***
  9. N

    Canes v UNC

    In person review: Baxa is terrible. We need a kicking coach. Enos isn’t saving this program. He has yet to realize what kind of personnel he has. IMO he’s a lost cause. Defense is way too conservative. Our vaunted d line can’t get any pressure. Ever. Their true freshman QB looked like a RS...
  10. N

    Canes v UNC

    Longo>Enos From an in person perspective. Enos thinks he’s still at Bama
  11. N

    Canes v UNC

    Just a quick note from an in person specatator: Stop talking about our “athletes” Carolina is running with us. We don’t overmatch them. I have been severely disappointed with our speed compared to theirs
  12. N

    Canes v UNC

    Enos ain’t it fellas. He has been awful. Howell looks like a RS senior compared to Jarren
  13. N

    Canes v UNC

    Being outcoached and played. Team looks tentative in person. Enos looks lost