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  1. SWFLHurricane


    Lol....this Tomfoolery wouldn't have gotten to this point....
  2. SWFLHurricane


    Nate would've sent UNCs QB and RB to the tent....
  3. SWFLHurricane


    Anymore Idiots who think Nate wouldn't be our starting MLBer on todays team??.....Lol..
  4. SWFLHurricane


    ROTFLMFAO at ANY idiot who thinks Nate wouldn't start on 2019 UM....Not only would he start.....he'd be a Star...
  5. SWFLHurricane


    The F-ing Douchebaggery of this Gem could wash out one of @Paranos side chicks ******'s...
  6. SWFLHurricane


    That F-ing alone should Banish his Krazy *** from any further evaluations or discussions...
  7. SWFLHurricane


    Rolling in Hysterics...
  8. SWFLHurricane


    E.N.D. O.F. S.T.O.R.Y
  9. SWFLHurricane


    Rohan Barrow Denzel Webster Vilma Tiger Clark & Armstead all hit harder than Ray at UM....Even Howard Clark would bust your *** up....
  10. SWFLHurricane


    Absolutely...but that was 4-5 yrs before Nate....
  11. SWFLHurricane


    You truly are Crazy....Nate didn't hit harder than Denzel??.... Lol....he hit alot harder...and I can name 10 UM LBers that hit harder than Ray....
  12. SWFLHurricane


    Who where they starting over??....I'll wait.... All 3 of them would've been 2nd string....
  13. SWFLHurricane


    Me, Faqquit
  14. SWFLHurricane


    Only an idiot would think Nate wasn't significantly better than Shaq and Pinckney... Lol.....
  15. SWFLHurricane


    Shaq and Pinckney would've seen little playing time from 99-2003
  16. SWFLHurricane


    Webster was alot better than either.....If Shaq and Pinckney are worthy All ACC LBers...then Webster would've been an AA...
  17. SWFLHurricane


    Im not so sure about that...This coming from someone who watched them from close up... @dsddcane would be the person to ask...
  18. SWFLHurricane


    Eat sh*t Puzzy
  19. SWFLHurricane


    The chances of you telling Nate that to his face is slim & none...that's undeniable...
  20. SWFLHurricane


    It's 2019....Eat a D*ck