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  1. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    No worries only thing gayer than hockey and soccer is *** on a mustache.
  2. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    I'm sure you do butt****.
  3. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Shall we take a poll? Or do you want to look like the mouth breathing, knuckle dragging idiot and get embarrassed when I show you the ratings?
  4. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    You said it not me, **** you have taken a few to many sixteen inchers to the head.
  5. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Are you sure your other handle is @Drevlee
  6. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Correct, there is a reason it's only on NBC sports.
  7. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Somebody is going to have quite the hangover tomorrow.
  8. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

  9. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Knew it you faqquits found a buy none and get all the **** for free sale and now have a lifetime supply. Choke on it and drown in *****.
  10. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    No your not, you post idiotic **** all the time.
  11. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    **** the **** eaters are out tonight; must be on sale.
  12. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Do []_[]$ a favor and choke on that **** in your mouth and die.
  13. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Stick to hockey
  14. Antcane

    ND Vs Louisville

    Your seriously have no clue.