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  1. J

    Don Chaney picking up where he left off

    Lol. Again. We heard this same BS from Burns. You are proving my point.. If he can’t stay healthy going up against kids who aren’t going to even be playing football past HS, how will he going up against college level guys? And are you really comparing NBA, world class athletes to HS kids who...
  2. J

    Don Chaney picking up where he left off

    How? All we were told for 2 years was that Burns was ready to go but he was just being "saved" for us. Even after he returned that opening kickoff the first game of his Sr year for 90 yards for a TD and we were all amped that we would finally get to see him play a full season and live up to that...
  3. J

    Don Chaney picking up where he left off

    I can get with this. After the Robert Burns "Gulliver Prep Tom Foolery" we fell for where we spent his entire last 2 years of HS ball basically being convinced he was being saved and preserved for college..I am not falling for that BS anymore. Chaney needs to prove he is durable and can carry a...