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  1. JD08

    Why we win big...

    You can put down the umbrella. They're not all rain clouds.
  2. JD08

    Why we win big...

    I would've said professional wrestling. Fully scripted.
  3. JD08

    Why we win big...

    Kind of like how Florida fans were told their offense beat the crap out of their defense in the spring game and scrimmages?
  4. JD08

    Why we win big...

    Don't be so **** homerphobic. There's no prize for correctly predicting a loss for us.
  5. JD08

    Why we win big...

    I have no problem admitting I have seriously thick fan glasses on and I'll predict ridiculously great scores from time to time. However, great margins of victory are not without precedent. We've gotten so used to being disappointed that we expect to be let down. Instead try to remember the way...