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  1. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    This is fandom at its best... no doubt any coach is going to help his players win within but to suggest that every coach knowingly “overlooks” drug tests sets you your for ultimately being exposed does not work for the coaches that win year in and year out. It’s clear yay have no intentions of...
  2. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    Like you said in your own quote I’d In jimmy Johnson’s own words is he expected a GREATER level of expectation and leadership to his star players not less....
  3. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    Urban Myers runs from every program he has been apart of because the stuff he lets slides catches up to him... manny is a dabo type of coach who wants to build a standard that can sustain itself... win at all costs right now is not how you build a consistent title contender...
  4. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    I’m not sure if you agree or disagree... but how can you change the culture of business, company, or team without having everyone buy into set expectations or values??? Choosing to participate in activities to please yourself or give you temporary satisfaction but that can ultimately hinder the...
  5. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    For those saying manny should not suspend people over weed are delusional... how can you change culture if you let stuff fly? Jarren has apparently got the message as should everyone else... and honestly IF JT4 IS suspended again that speaks volumes about his character and should be red flag...
  6. Prizzle

    Bad news coming

    What the ****! Try to scan through 23 pages and no real news!!!! Lock thread until something is confirmed??? Or can we just wait until thread changes name to something? Similar to yesterday where I woke up to 20 something page new thread about the 1st transfer