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  1. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    Hey guysm!!! Let me come on a super fan board where the literal 1% extreme Miami fan is entrenched in every aspect of following the team they love and virtue signal about how we need to be nice to kids that cause harm to their program!! That’s a smart idea! Miami fan board. Not SFL fan board...
  2. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    Just in case you want to re-live the highlights. It was painful
  3. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    His high school tape was primarily him playing WR and catching tunnel screens with his body and outrunning everyone. Couch and Williams are certified dogs that have actually played CB at a high level coming into college. He had no chance
  4. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    If anyone wants to know why we are so hard on the Banda and Rumph combo on the trail, exhibit A
  5. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    He got, or is going to, be passed by the freshman. He's got elite testing numbers. That's it. Was a reach from day one
  6. TriStarCane

    More portaling — Nigel Bethel

    This kid was not a Miami caliber CB. If anything, it's an indictment on our inability to land higher level kids at his position that this is even something to acknowledge. Flame away, but he wasn't anything more than a top tier athlete with limited DB skills. He was going to be a life long...