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  1. MotoSniper

    Diaz comments on second scrimmage

    Bro, I'm sorry my answer provoked such a long and drawn out response, particularly as it was meant as a parody piece ;) I see us at 10-2, but I do also think the O Line is still a liability. Any injury to only 1 starter and we may be in trouble.
  2. MotoSniper

    Diaz comments on second scrimmage

    My pick is in. J. Williams is the starter, Perry to the Portal immediately. Tate sticks around as the #2 and gets certain packages to run in games. If Tate doesn't pass Williams by the end of the season, he's hitting the portal as well.
  3. MotoSniper

    Diaz comments on second scrimmage

    Manny with the Jedi Mind Trick....WE BACK!!!!
  4. MotoSniper

    Diaz comments on second scrimmage

    Primo, being objective here, it might look like a 9-3 type season. O Line is not ready early to take on quality teams. Need to crush O Line recruiting. Pulling in Walker and Rivers this class is a first step in that direction