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  1. C

    PractiSe # 12

    You were talking about a National tragedy and brought up Mexicans. He lightly did a play on the word Americans and used Mericans as he did with practiSe for practice. If you were upset because you thought he used Mexicans in light of the shootings you should've equally been upset with his use...
  2. C

    PractiSe # 12

    There were American citizens killed in Ohio by a self proclaimed White Socialist. Why no mention?
  3. C

    PractiSe # 12

    Yeah, if we’re going to disregard context then he should’ve been critical of Merican as well in light of what took place in Oh and Tx. Anyway, didn’t mean to exacerbate in a light-hearted thread.
  4. C

    PractiSe # 12

    I missed it, what happened in Mexico?