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  1. RVACane

    " Nkosi Wins.. QB Battle "

    OP should’ve followed my advice and deleted this shît, if he could, before all of you savages woke up hungry and looking to feed.
  2. RVACane

    " Nkosi Wins.. QB Battle "

    I’d only worry about Malik being back for a 6th or 7th year if Mork & Jorn were still here.
  3. RVACane

    " Nkosi Wins.. QB Battle "

    If we’re going old school QB’s without major arm strength, give me a guy like Bob Griese or Ken Anderson of the Bengals and we f’n.
  4. RVACane

    " Nkosi Wins.. QB Battle "

    You’re using a misleading thread title that looks like a winner of the QB competition has been named. You have also started a thread on a topic already started multiple times. I didn’t realize that Malik Rosier was in the competition this year so I guess Jarren graduated and Malik is back...