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  1. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Was going to say the same thing but I've been called a "fanboy" and it hurt my feelings!
  2. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Was going Watch the tape I posted, you'll see he always keeps his feet moving while scanning the field
  3. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    MaRk WaLtON iS bEtTeR tHaN SaQuAn
  4. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Kosi has a great arm when he's on but no way he moves like Tate
  5. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Bro, be real with yourself. You're a Tater hater, it's all good.
  6. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    I always thought he had great potential if he could stay healthy.
  7. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Hey George, did you read the last sentence or just start feverishly typing your garbage? LOL
  8. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    I posted this in another thread but a lot of people dismissed it because the competition. Regardless what you want to say about that, it shows those traits in college.
  9. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    You're words "he clearly isn't" proves your dislike for him. If you want to say he hasn't proven it here yet, I can understand but how can you say he clearly isn't? Just like the rest of the QBs.
  10. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    He's not faster than him on 40 time and definitely not in short shuttle, which the latter allows him to do the things I mentioned.
  11. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    So pointing out elite traits is a "fan boy" and because you don't like it, makes it false. LMAO
  12. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Not like him.
  13. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Yeah that's big praise, I certainly hope that's true!
  14. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Of course they can run but he's elite at it. When you see me mention his elite traits and talents, that's one of the big things I'm referring to. No QB is perfect but they all have things they Excel at, Jarren has a pretty ball, Kosi has a strong arm. Tate's is moving the pocket, buying time and...
  15. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Seems like they're letting y'all view a lot longer. Nice 😁
  16. duke4heisman

    Fall practice #4

    Welp, I guess Cam is starting and Deejay is going to have to pack is bags. 😆