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  1. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    derailed. lock it
  2. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Jarren Williams throws a pretty ball on air but he's been probably the worst against a defense
  3. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    And this is why I’m warming up to Martell. Look how smooth he can roll out. With a bad offensive line you have to move the pocket and that’s where he has the clear advantage.
  4. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Im not saying Im tough Im saying you keep asking that dumbass pointless question and u should stop...
  5. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Stop asking that dumbass question
  6. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Looks like Hill and Rousseau have been working there
  7. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    This is a bad take. Not sure if you saw the video but there was a corner underneath. If you dont put air under it its a pick 6
  8. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Coming into this I was going with Perry but now Im starting to warm up to Martell
  9. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    We keep talking about Martell's arm strength but Jarren and Kosi dont look any better throwing deep passes
  10. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

  11. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Bad throw too
  12. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Who df threw this
  13. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Nah it looks like a zone read. The end is unblocked because that’s who you’re reading. If he crashes Martell keeps it but if he’s on Martell he hands it off. However in this case the qb has the option to throw the slant if it’s there quick. That’s what it looks like to me at least
  14. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    I think it’s a zone read rpo
  15. Cuban-Cane

    Fall practice #4

    Good to see it’s first team o vs first team d