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  1. rccollins

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    Listen, I am 100 percent on your side in general about these issues. This time, though, i think you were looking into something that simply was not there. You used Vilma as an example, when you being a canes fan, should have known what a unique example he was. Most canes fans know this about...
  2. rccollins

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    bro.. Vilma graduated high school with straight As and could speak 4 languages fluently. That is a rare breed - white, black, spanish, athlethe or not. that is what i was referring. GTFOH with your fake outrage.
  3. rccollins

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    true, but Vilma is a rare breed. Dude is more intelligent than most (Athlete or not).. he would have found his way to success either way, imo.