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  1. ThomasM

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    UM is different from most other schools. You know as well as the rest of us what other schools do to pass athletes through just to keep them eligible. It's not right. They are there for an education, but most young men with busy lives will take the easy way if it is presented. Then, what do...
  2. ThomasM

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    You know as well as I do that most of these young men get passed through so they can keep playing ball. See UNC. Why do you think so many NFL players are dead broke within years of retiring? They don't get a real education. Now I get what you are saying, and I wish ALL football players...
  3. ThomasM

    NCAA Looking to close the Loopholes

    The whole college football establishment needs to be burned down. It is one hot, steaming pile of crap now. These young men are the heart and soul of a multi billion dollar industry, and all they get is, in most cases, an education they will never use. That and the chance at maybe making the...