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  1. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    And "dude had every right to shoot his disorderly ***" sounds an awful And I've said several times that I think the cop handled the situation well. Some of your comments sound a lot like you think that cops get to shoot people for not obeying them. Like if a cop said "get out of the car"...
  2. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    How can you misunderstand the law so badly? THE POLICE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T OBEY. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE COMMITING A CRIME. You have to be threatening their or somebody else's life for them to shoot you. And it has nothing to do with the...
  3. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    That's kinda my point. Cops sometimes "take liberties" to put it mildly, and people just explain it away. There's a significant portion of this country that never, ever thinks it's the cop's fault, no matter what happens. That's the thing about saying "just obey and everything will be fine"...
  4. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    Totally. If you can't obey simple commands, I see no reason why the police shouldn't be allowed to kill you.
  5. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    Absolutely. My original point was that I think this officer handled himself very well. The dude wasn't cooperating, and there was no good reason for him not to. The cop was justified in asking for ID. Once they scuffled, no jury in America was going to convict him if he shot the dude, but he...
  6. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    Yeah, the thing is that doesn't work for everybody. Sometimes it's not about how you act, it's about who you are. And if you don't see that, then there's really nothing to talk about.
  7. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    I don't think he saw anything "threatening", I think he saw non-compliance. I'll be honest, I don't know the exact rules for when an officer can use a taser. I don't know exactly what he's allowed to do to get the guy to comply with a pretty reasonable request. I do know that the request...
  8. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    So what was the correct action? Wait for backup? That would have been smart, but it was still going to end in a wrestling match at some point. I seriously want to know how you think this should have gone down.
  9. kryptonite

    "I Need Ya' Supervisor!!!"

    Know what? This is one instance where the cop is completely in the right. And that's not a thing I say very often. There are too many stories about cops shooting people they have no earthly reason to fear. This on the other hand is a case of trying to control the situation with a minimum of...