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  1. Memnon

    Favorite Sports Movies?

    Ninja Assasin, came out in 2009. It was a really good movie, didn't put it on my list but I def enjoyed it.
  2. Memnon

    Favorite Sports Movies?

    Arguably John Woo's best film he's ever made.
  3. Memnon

    Favorite Sports Movies?

    Martial Arts: Enter The Dragon (my FAVORITE movie of all-time), Fist Of Fury, Game Of Death, The Way Of The Dragon, 13 Assassins (I Highly Recommend 13 Assasins if you haven't seen it), Ip Man 1-3, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Ninja Scroll, Ong-Bak, The Grandmaster, Five Deadly Venoms, Red...