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  1. jackbenimble71

    (Re)Building the Roster (long)

    EXACTLY. as I stated, all I did was state in a short summary, in my opinion, what you wrote in a long format. wasn't disagreeing with you.
  2. jackbenimble71

    (Re)Building the Roster (long)

    exactly to your point. Clemson built the foundation by coaching mid level players UP. and building depth... then by the time they got a franchise, ELITE QB ... things started clicking...
  3. jackbenimble71

    (Re)Building the Roster (long)

    good write up. but I'll sum it up in shorter format. 1) got what players he could 2) coached them up - with Clemson it has been ALL ABOUT THE COACHING. They have found players that needed to be developed and developed them. 3) got a franchise qb 4) starting winning games and the ACC 5) made...