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  1. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    What thread it’s over what is there to talk about? Fat kid who everyone thought would be a jag had a late offer from UVA and Tennessee and we scooped in and has completely changed his body and hopefully can contribute starting this year. Miss anything? You STFU
  2. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Ouch another person hurt by the truth. Geez try xanax instead of the powder it calms you down and makes you not so angry.
  3. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Ok so last thing I promise. In your eyes does inquire mean they wanted him?
  4. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    What’s the big picture? Also it’s sandwiches but I’m sure you knew that too
  5. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Ahh the classic name calling when you realize what you’re saying makes no sense. Keyboard tough guy.
  6. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Inquire - 1. Investigate; look into 2. Ask for information from someone Hegemon’s definition 3. Wants them; covets I finally get it now I see where your commons sense is coming from.
  7. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    LOOK UP THE WORD INQUIRE. Lol ******. Requesting tape is inquiring about someone. But if you think we took him from Bama then keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
  8. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    I give up with you, you seem special. You contradict everything you say. Again look up the word inquire. You stated Bama “wanted” him? So even if they “inquired” about him, you are assuming they “wanted” him. Which is an opinion. So in fact you are wrong. And no they didn’t offer. No other site...
  9. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    We whiffed on Briggs and Chatham the Ga DT who also went to FSU and were desperate for a 2nd DT in the class. The Tennessee offer put his name on the map. It is what it is. Bama was NEVER in on him that’s a fabricated story from some free site who’s never had a reputable MOD. Again this whole...
  10. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Talk ****? Actually it would be the opposite. Low ranked kid, not a lot of offers, late bloomer, labeled as a jag and in just over a year he looks like that. I’m excited for him, the S&C program and this team going forward. Just pointing out you were wrong, which you were.
  11. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    We got on this kid two days after Tennessee and Virginia offered January 24th then committed the 29th. WTF are you talking about? Actually you don’t. But since StateoftheU said they “inquired” sure they wanted him.
  12. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Did you really just try and prove your point by saying they “inquired?” Do you even know what that mean in the recruiting circles? You just embarrassed yourself.
  13. C

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Lol no they didn’t