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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    They recentl changed the rules so that you gotta sell that you tried to dodge or they give you an out. Miami rarely gets the benefit of the doubt, just like in football lol.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    lmfao at starkvegas being "hoppin",
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    Very true. This is why in the MLB they just tally up both teams HRs and uses that as criteria for who will advance. No need to look at a useless stat like who won more games.
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    Have a little respect for the worlds oldest cane fan.
  5. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    They need something to root for considering the rest of their sports teams are trash.
  6. OriginalGatorHater

    Tourney Central (It’s time for ball!)

    Marcus needs to give his cousin a call and convince him to throw this game.