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  1. IbzRlz

    OSU's In The Barrel

    Well who the !@#$ are you to say I groped people? Never groped anyone. They just want a money grab
  2. IbzRlz

    OSU's In The Barrel

    Yeah poor, poor male college athletes who didn't/wouldn't stand up for themselves and then 30+ years later speak up. If they were such victims, why did they wait a generation, and 13-14 years after the doctor committed suicide, to say anything? This blame everyone but accept no personal...
  3. IbzRlz

    OSU's In The Barrel

    What the doctor did was absolutely disgusting, but why didn't any of these badass wrestlers do something about this back in the day? They turned the other cheek, pun intended, and didn't have the balls to stand up and do something. The doctor committed suicide in 2005, and now all these male...