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  1. RattlerCane305

    Notes On Yulkeith Brown's Offer

    Yup, I've never met anyone from their line that couldn't FLY. Also, I don't think WV is as serious a player as they could be. If I recall correctly Yul ended up transferring from or leaving Morgantown altogether. I know Fat Cat(Q. Swain) left for FAU. I don't think they had the best experience...
  2. RattlerCane305

    Notes On Yulkeith Brown's Offer

    You know I second all that fam. Lil Yul is a City Kid 100%, not from anywhere near traditional Gulliver feeding grounds (West Grove to Exit 1). That kid comes from a family of ELECTRIC athletes, I can personally attest to that. Don't forget that when Big Yul was a Blue Chip junior CB, the #1...