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  1. Artist Formerly Known As

    Walton Arrest Video

    Cops may think the same way when dealing with young minority men. Not saying it’s right, but that mindset sets both groups behind.
  2. Artist Formerly Known As

    Walton Arrest Video

    Do you have a job that puts your life at risk? Ever been shot at or a situation where someone has threatened your life? I sure haven’t, but if you wouldn’t be afraid in that situation, you’re either lying or bat **** crazy. Proper training should minimize the risk, but it’s always there. Have...
  3. Artist Formerly Known As

    Walton Arrest Video

    When someone runs, the adrenaline rush is higher and a lot more what ifs come into play. Leading towards an ambush? Running to a weapon? What happens when they’re cornered?
  4. Artist Formerly Known As

    Walton Arrest Video

    How many were unarmed with no justification for violent force? Might not be a hundred. Heck might be less than 50. Out of the thousands and thousands of police interactions with folks, the odds seem pretty low. Not cooperating and running probably increase those chances, though.