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  1. Kn[]_[]ckles3o5

    UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

    There's a difference in being realistic about our chances vs flat out saying we have no shot. Those type of fans don't even believe the defeatist crap they post or they wouldn't bother to watch the game.
  2. Kn[]_[]ckles3o5

    UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

    Even if you recognize getting smoked is likely and a win is far less likely you don't just say unequivocally we gettin smoked if you are a good fan. You gotta believe that the outlier game is possible or else why even watch. I think buddy was lamenting more about defeatist fans aka mopes; the...
  3. Kn[]_[]ckles3o5

    UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

    could be the ibis gloves
  4. Kn[]_[]ckles3o5

    UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

    Show me timeline. We fall flat he'll swap in a bag school. We put a quality product on the field and we will have his ear down the stretch.