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  1. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    QB battle prediction thread. And any other battles u feel worth noting

    Roster familiarity IS IMPORTANT when guys you have been practicing with for at least a year versus a couple weeks can help you with tendencies and preferences. No one is the same on any roster. Very stupid comment. I think Tate knows what he has to work on given he's already been improving so...
  2. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    QB battle prediction thread. And any other battles u feel worth noting

    No homerism. I don't care who wins. I am looking at a new transfer and how he has been improving in a new system in comparison to guys who at least had roster familiarity. I also think people are sleeping on Jarren.
  3. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    QB battle prediction thread. And any other battles u feel worth noting

    Absolutely. The other two guys have a new system, too, but great familiarity with the players on the roster. Tate's progression is pretty awesome (thus far).
  4. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    QB battle prediction thread. And any other battles u feel worth noting

    Honestly, after constantly reading those updates through the entirety of spring practice I thought Tate was a bust and Jarren had caught Perry. The fact that Tate caught up at the very end after just transferring and learning a brand new system tells me he will be the guy in August. He must...