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  1. orange&green84


    Urban legends or not, you can't ignore the little success we've had recruiting Deerfield.
  2. orange&green84


    That's a fair point. I stand corrected.
  3. orange&green84


    Eaford I believe was a year after Jeudy.
  4. orange&green84


    Maybe the same could be said about Deerfield as well. I'm sure Miami hasn't recruited STA, MNW, Chaminade, Miami Central, Booker T, etc... perfectly either. But we still get a decent amount of players from each school for the most part. With Deerfield, we basically strike out every time. Miami...
  5. orange&green84


    Agreed here. I think this will be a good class, but it looks like it's going to be a top 15 class, which can be somewhat concerning given this is supposed to be Manny's bump class. I will say though, we've always been told with previous staffs how much better they were at recruiting then their...
  6. orange&green84


    I recommend taking classes that revolve around logic, like discrete math. Just because a recruit comes to Paradise, doesn't mean he'll sign with Miami. Having said that, the odds of a recruit signing Miami are far less likely if said recruit doesn't attend Paradise. Again, which highly touted...
  7. orange&green84


    Ding ding ding
  8. orange&green84


    Coming to Paradise isn't the end all be all. If he came, it puts us in a good position. But he isn't, he's OV'ing to another school. I'll wait to hear on what highly touted guy we've signed in the last few years that decided to OV to another school during the same time as Paradise.
  9. orange&green84


    If he's not coming to Paradise, he isn't coming.