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  1. TheToadSage


    Only amateur staff I'm seeing is DB coaching staff 🤷‍♂️. They should attend more UCF coaching clinics so they wont be 0-3 again
  2. TheToadSage


    It could be! I'm not gonna call the man a liar bc we truly dont know. I do hope the staff continues to get better in recruiting. I by no means believe our staff is perfect either
  3. TheToadSage


    You are dead set on stars so there is no point in having this conversation brother. Him praising Diaz then criticizing him in the same exact area is contradicting as ****. So we emphasize relationships in Orlando, but not at our own coaching clinic? Hard for me to believe sir.
  4. TheToadSage


    We can't recruit well, we are amateurs as ****, but I'm spreading BS and can't comprehend. LOL ok.
  5. TheToadSage


    Yet, he was praising the staff in Orlando for how they treated all the HS coaches. All of a sudden, we stop doing that? I don't buy it. Dabo is the perfect example of how winning consecutively improves recruiting. He grabs a player here and there to build the roster then begins winning the games...
  6. TheToadSage


    You are nitpicking if you believe being ****** recruiters and can't recruit is truly different. Can we do better? Of course, everyone could do better. I'm not going to attack the man or anyone on this board for that matter. It's the internet, but I'm pleased with this class and what this staff...
  7. TheToadSage


    Why would anybody lie? Yet, folks still do it. Macho could be telling the truth, but its conflicting reports. I'm not going to buy it.
  8. TheToadSage


    "We have ****** recruiters." What does that mean? Apparently, I don't have the reading comprehension.
  9. TheToadSage


    Why? You don't really believe this do you? Macho loyalty is DB first, he is trying to save face. Macho is also the same guy that praised Diaz for his stunts in Orlando and how Diaz had a beer with all the coaches. Now Diaz can't recruit and is distant from high school coaches? I'm not buying it.
  10. TheToadSage


    Lol Deerfield Beach They know before Miami bc you call the bags school first 🤷‍♂️