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  1. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    Nobody wants him to fail, you were crowning Tate with no evidence to back it up. All qbs have had their moments this spring and it will be interesting to see who comes out on top.
  2. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    We clearly see things differently then. They have been reporting the same stuff about Tate as every other media member has.
  3. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    Everything they have said about Tate during today’s scrimmage has been positive. Quit making stuff up man.
  4. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    Let's see if he can do something against the first team D
  5. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    It's a qb competition and won't be decided till fall so it would be stupid to write him off and most fans have echoed the same thing.
  6. S

    Orlando Spring Game

    Why are people Martell haters when he has been running third all spring and has had accuracy issues.