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  1. TheRichtShow

    FSU OL already in midseason form

    Wow. You get geniunely upset if anything negative gets posted about FSU or UF. Our OL is light years better than FSUs. It's not even close. They had the worst OL in the entire country last year. Yeah I'm going to feel free to laugh at that
  2. TheRichtShow

    FSU OL already in midseason form

    You really havent been paying attention over the past year then. Yes, our OL was and still is medicore. But FSU had the worst OL in all of the FBS. We have a lot of room to talk when the other team is FSU. Besides, you're seriously so uptight that you cant even laugh at some funny FSU videos...
  3. TheRichtShow

    FSU OL already in midseason form
