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  1. CaneDog66

    Practise #6

    Yeah was about to say his man **** we’re DD’s. Dude could use a lot less of the steak and potatoes and more salads for sure. Maybe he and Felder were lunch buddies?
  2. CaneDog66

    Practise #6

    Well stated mate, I too believe Jeremiah is going to torch it this season as will several other WR’s simply because they’ll get the ball more, and in space to do something with the pass once it’s thrown. I can’t wait to see what they all will do in Enos’s offense because they all bring...
  3. CaneDog66

    Practise #6

    Who’s the big, fat dude in the purple shirt? Why is it all of the reporters are frumpy, massively out of shape people? Never seen a bunch of fat asses in one place trying to act like they’re doing their job lulz.
  4. CaneDog66

    Practise #6

    Love Enos, he’s not happy with the progress being made and he’s letting the kids know it throughout practices and via the media. The message hopefully is starting to sink in with the players, as he stated everyday is a scrimmage level practice and everyday they must bring their fire, energy...