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  1. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    See you Tuesday big dog!
  2. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    No he’s not. We have enough at the position without him.
  3. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    Some of you just can’t wait. Stop with the speculation crap. We will know tomorrow.
  4. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    Like I stated, probably had an MRI done. Fingers crossed
  5. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    Mallory was too skinny last year. He’s between 240-250 this year
  6. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    We all hope so. Get an MRI stat to be sure
  7. Canes Brotherhood

    Brevin Jordan.

    FYI, Brevin was seen with his knee wrapped and limping.