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  1. 252cane

    OT - OBJ to the Browns...

    I have no problem with them trading him. What im saying is they could have got more but basically gave him away for the 17th pick. If you are trying to rebuild you are supposed to get the most you possibly can for a young elite player.
  2. 252cane

    OT - OBJ to the Browns...

    They got the 17th pick in a weak draft. Who they taking at 17? And that 3rd round pick came from the patriots so that is basically a 4th round pick. And only 17 million of his contract guaranteed.
  3. 252cane

    OT - OBJ to the Browns...

    That is why they haven't traded him yet.
  4. 252cane

    OT - OBJ to the Browns...

    Giants made a dumb trade. They have a new gm that used to be the gm for the panthers and he was horrible there. That guy is known to get rid of talent.
  5. 252cane

    OT - OBJ to the Browns...

    This isnt that strong of a draft and they only gave up a 1st&3rd. The giants got worked. A 1&3 in a weak draft and peppers who has done nothing.