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  1. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    I was responding to you when I said our talent has declined(I ageed) compared to how many Miami used to be which is still relevant to this topic of Miami not having a bunch of top 5 league wide players at their position outside of a few players
  2. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    True the way we stacked those teams in the past was far from normal and doesn’t happened at 99.9% of schools really
  3. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    I clearly said the talent HAS declined if you compare the great talent we put in the league from the 2000-2010 really from 95-2005 or so era,
  4. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    It has if you measuring from what we had in the league From 2000-2010(maybe a couple years beyond that), no one hasn’t said that isn’t the case. But Miami is still tied for 4th most nfl players in the league and will put at least 7 more this class
  5. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    No one said they were Ed Reed or Lewis, but they are **** good players in the league. And fwiw I think Campbell will eventually be a hall of fame player too
  6. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    He graded out as their best player this year 51 career sacks in 6 years is a lot while missing some games, the best pass rusher von Miller has 71 sacks in his first 6 years
  7. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    AB, Tyreek Hill ?
  8. brock

    Who’s “Next” on the Canes Roster?

    This isn’t factual Calais Campbell was 2nd in mvp just last season. Top 5 salary at his position and one of the most productive defensive lineman since he’s been in the league. He’s absolutely one for the elite dlineman in the league Brandon Linder - top 3 in center salary and he’s one of the...