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  1. reg

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    My god, man! Lol. I responded to your post. I didn't address your post. Spoiler Alert: There's a difference between the two.
  2. reg

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    I can't upvote this enough! Perfectly stated, my man!
  3. reg

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    I do not know where to even begin, as it relates to addressing your post. Therefore, I won't.
  4. reg

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    This is exactly what I was referring to in my post. He made a reference to the size of the school, and yet you managed to twist his words into him referencing his teammates. Unbelievable! Was his post a bit weird and a bad choice overall? Probably. But you are spinning this **** like a...
  5. reg

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    The kid is immature, for sure. However, there is nothing about his post that should get people riled up. At this point it's like people are hoping he does something stupid, and therefore they try to turn something that is so miniscule into a big deal.