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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    No, SAE is trash. Sigma Alpha Mu aka SAM or SAMMY.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    That is pretty much what I say. I agree. However, Pike really does have some bangers, but only a few a semester and SAMMY does have quite a few good pre games with tons of hot girls. No need to join one though. I never did.
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    Ohh the irony of an idiot calling someone else not smart. That is not how screenshots work. The guy who screen shotted the image has 12% batter not Kosi.
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    Not only is Miami frat population very small, but of the tiny frat population only a handful of frats have parties worth attending. SAM has great pre games, but schitty partys and Pike has great parties and tailgates. The rest of the frats parties are TERRIBLE.
  5. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    Can't argue with that bro! When your surrounded by that much grade A ***** its a fools move to get a GF especially as the starting QB.
  6. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    I was here all last season and I was not a fan of his play on the field. I still am not a fan of his play on the field, but it has NOTHING to do with him spending to much time on social media.
  7. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    You are 100% right. At UM all the on campus people knew(at least by face)90% of the on campus kids in their grade. So if some kid did something embarrassing the whole grade knew about it pretty quickly. We had some crazy kid when I was there that rode around on a skateboard threatening people in...
  8. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    It also has very immature men like Jameis winning national championships
  9. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    For sure. I am not saying this is 100% the reason. It was just the first thing that popped into my head when I read the post. I was never one to get bothered by my ex chicks so it never really bothered me, but I know some guys get real emotional seeing them, especially with another guy.
  10. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    It just is a ridiculous statement that posting on social media=not working hard and not posting on social media=working hard. The hardest working guy on the team could post 15 videos a day. It is not like these guys are posting up film festival level amateur films. It takes 15 seconds to...
  11. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    The talent was good and I enjoyed the seeing the same chicks everyday because it gave me more opportunities to hit on them, but after a break up I can see why someone would get upset having to see his girl and her friends constantly on campus.
  12. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    This is very true as well. If you literally follow the same schedule every single day the school can feel much smaller than it is because of the way the campus is. However, if you stroll around campus at a different time than you usually take your walk you will see a whole new crop of students...
  13. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    The first thing I thought of was girl problems. I remember being on campus and constantly seeing the same girls on campus over and over again due to our schedule. It is not like like the giant 40K+ kids at a state school were you are seeing new faces everyday. I could definitely see someone...
  14. OriginalGatorHater

    Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

    Ya! Just like we didn't hear a lick from Bar Milo. That is always a great sign for success. Tate is on social media just as often as Kosi is.