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  1. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    Yeah, he was a great man and did good things for the program. The problem is that he really wanted to retire and it showed. He was tired and hunger passed, he was a very good coach. Unfortunately when he got to Miami, the good things off the field, wouldn't sustain on it.
  2. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    Nailed it. Nothing else needs to be said about him anymore, everyone from here on needs to refer to this post.
  3. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    Agreed, I'm a big Butch fan and there were a lot of comparisons to him with Folden, except defensive philosophy and that was his undoing. Both were defensive coaches and both had degrees in sports psychology. Both also camd into a cloud of sanctions. Golden recruited very well under cloud, which...
  4. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    Of course I'm projecting but everything I said is true. I don't remember Kehoe much before and I wasn't on the boards ( I think he got fired in '06 to save Coker) along with others. Most people were happy or at least content on this board. U left out many of the hires that were initially...
  5. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    You are only looking at the negative and the end result, which I agree. I'm looking at what could have been, he recruited the 2012 class with people wondering if Miami would even have a program going forward. That class included numerous blue Chip and future NFL players. Duke, Tracy, Deon...
  6. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    I agreed he was a terrible coach but his recruiting and offenses we're better than we've had in a long, long time. ****, most of his hires got promotions, including an OC that went to the NFL within 2 years. Think of how long it's been since we've had coaches poached to the NFL. Trust me I'm not...
  7. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    That's why I said fire Dorito and adopt an attacking 4-3. Obviously he would have to change his beliefs and scheme. Not excusing it though, it was his downfall.
  8. duke4heisman

    From Barry Jackson article

    And Folden got them under the cloud. I think he could have been a decent to even good coach, if he could have just fired (or found him another job) his bff and adopted an attacking 4-3 scheme/DC. I also believe the school was realizing they needed to pay better and build better facilities. Did...