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  1. T

    From Barry Jackson article

    It was a **** mess wasn’t it. Alienating kids, playing favorites & continuing to start guys that dropped balls weekly. Even his rotations was a mess. It’s like every WR get worse under him after their freshman season. Kids payed better with their high school coaching than with his.
  2. T

    From Barry Jackson article

    We alll were witnesses to that in one year with the defense from Oh’No trash *** to Manny in year 1. They never learn...some of us are still living & learning right? These dudes just out here living..
  3. T

    From Barry Jackson article

    Dugans was average.
  4. T

    From Barry Jackson article

    Right..still blaming players when the coaching & execution were atrocious.
  5. T

    From Barry Jackson article

    Before I crown this..I’d like to know who the nfl executive is bc there’s a huge difference between a the ******* who ran my Dolphins & the GM of the Patriots.