Search results

  1. P

    Cooney Promoted

    Yes Sir! I have been lifting big girls for years. Keeps my back strong and my soldier ready for battle. ( an yes luvin is a battle to see who can make the other finish first) Go Canes
  2. P

    Cooney Promoted

    Now brother trust me you will be burning major calories getting frecky with a big girl. Yeah have to put your back into it when you flip around a big girl for different positions, especially when in the stand & carry position. Go Canes
  3. P

    Cooney Promoted

    Listen keyboard tough guy we're not recruiting for the debate club or the case study club we're recruiting football players from the hood and from the cornfields of the Midwest an you know what body types you find in the hood in the cornfields in a Midwest you find thick *** jelinda's...
  4. P

    Cooney Promoted

    Big boys like them big girls, I thought you knew. A big girl and some good comfort food will seal the deal everytime. Go Canes
  5. P

    Cooney Promoted

    What UM needs is some chicas on retainer for the recruiting department that look like this. A squad full of chicas like her gonna make all those NYC and mid west corn feed linemen commit to Miami. Cooney's first order of business should be setting this up. Go Canes
  6. P

    Cooney Promoted
