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  1. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    Oh god, I do love the attention. I do. I can't thank you enough for giving me the attention I crave. Please say you'll never stop talking to me. And for the love of all that's holy, never ever block me. Like ever.
  2. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    No problem, would you like me to sing you a song so you can sleep?
  3. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    Why open it? So I could make fun of it and point out how dumb it was. You clearly didn't understand or you wouldn't have started it in the first place. Look, if it makes you feel any better, I could easily find five threads much dumber than this one.
  4. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    Who's crying Sir-Canes-A-Lot? You're upset because I thought your thread was dumb, I get that. What I don't get is how your stupid thread makes me a clown. And I really don't get why you think I live in my mom's basement. Maybe your mom makes you live in the basement, but mine lets me live...
  5. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    And I see your reading skills are top-notch. "Names for me". Like each of you could call me a different name, then I'd know who's who. But since you mentioned it, it had crossed my mind that you were using second account to agree with yourself. And since we're talking names, did you just...
  6. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    Could you guys do me a solid and use different names for me? It's real hard to keep track of who's who if you're both going to just call me a clown. PM me, I've got some pretty good ideas.
  7. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    You seem to have confused me with the OP.
  8. kryptonite

    For those saying Enos is gone for Michigan State in the next couple years...

    Are we already having a discussion about a guy who hasn't coached a down in orange and green leaving? You know what, don't answer that, I'm quite certain we are.