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  1. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    Pretty much what happened. This in bold probably sums it up for a good number of people.
  2. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    NY thinks NY/NJ are banned... I mean band.
  3. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    I agree and I did explain it to him in terms of me substituting in my religion as a way for me to relate to see how it feels. Like I said, his intent isn't evil but in looking at it through my own ethnic lenses, I can see the "other people's shoes" impact better. He also doesn't self- moderate /...
  4. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    He's actually a Patriots fan so he's probably pretty happy. I'll see how he's doing and let you know. Edit: He shared this...
  5. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    To quote a good CIS friend of mine (friend of ours if you saw Donnie Brasco) - as it relates to some here, this biotch is living rent-free in your heads.
  6. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    Herein lies a legit issue. He doesn't see that side of it. His intent isn't anti-*** but he doesnt realize that it can be offensive to that segment of the population. The other thing is he doesn't know when to moderate...and I don't think he cares to. To each their own.
  7. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    Facts (To quote @Dwinstitles and @OriginalGatorHater...uh... I mean @brock.)
  8. RVACane

    OT nystofmind took the day off?
