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  1. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    You seem like an alright dude . I cant disagree with you here , man.
  2. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    It's all good, brother . Appreciate your candor.
  3. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    I'm sure all that stuff you posted is real interesting but I'll just take your word for it.....
  4. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    Putting aside the quips about being free to be as ignorant as we want I can live with this . I totally agree that different points of view should not be squashed down and I even think we learn from each other when we are exposed to different views . I fully agree with not taking this stuff...
  5. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    Take your own advice about being a better person. Live and let live. @YLCANE wasn't *** bashing, there was nothing offensive in his post but it wasn't good enough for you. You must make him conform to your way of thinking...
  6. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    That's BS. The color of your skin is not a lifestyle choice. Scientifically there is no proof of a so called "*** gene". You're just passing off your opinion, your feelings as facts. @YLCANE basically asked you to live and let live but that's not good enough for you radical lefties, he must...
  7. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    My come back ? LOL Grown man conversation? Haha I seem to have interrupted something ? Ok Let me get your girlfriend @1mg of Epi back for you so you 2 gals can carry on. Here she is. You 2 have fun now .
  8. Dr.L.ThugU

    OT nystofmind took the day off?

    You 2 seem to be a bit obsessed with @5XNC .......